# 组织机构
# 政府组织
序号 | Logo | 网站名称 | 简介 |
1 | World Meteorological Organization (opens new window) | It is the UN system's authoritative voice on the state and behaviour of the Earth's atmosphere, its interaction with the land and oceans, the weather and climate it produces and the resulting distribution of water resources. | |
2 | UNFCCC (opens new window) | The UNFCCC secretariat (UN Climate Change) is the United Nations entity tasked with supporting the global response to the threat of climate change. | |
3 | UNEP-UN Environment Programme (opens new window) | 全球领先的环境机构,负责制定全球环境议程,促进联合国系统内连贯一致地实施可持续发展环境层面相关政策,并承担全球环境权威倡导者的角色。 | |
4 | 中国气候变化信息网 (opens new window) | 国家气候变化对策协调小组 | |
5 | 中华人民共和国生态环境部 (opens new window) | 环境质量-生态环境状况公报 | |
6 | 国家应对气候变化战略研究和国际合作中心 (opens new window) | 我国应对气候变化的国家级战略研究机构和国际合作交流窗口。 | |
7 | IEA-International Energy Agency (opens new window) | The IEA is at the heart of global dialogue on energy, providing authoritative analysis, data, policy recommendations, and real-world solutions to help countries provide secure and sustainable energy for all. | |
8 | IPCC (opens new window) | 政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)始建于 1988年, 旨在提供有关气候变化的科学技术和社会经济认知状况、气候变化原因、潜在影响和应对策略的综合评估。 | |
9 | 气候变化与环境 (opens new window) | 联合国新闻 | |
10 | GCCA-全球水泥和混凝土协会 (opens new window) | 全球水泥和混凝土协会的成员公司作为该行业的领导者聚集在一起,承诺到2050年生产碳中和混凝土,符合全球气候目标 - 加速我们已经实现的二氧化碳减排。 |
# 民间组织
序号 | Logo | 网站名称 | 简介 |
1 | 碳导航 (opens new window) | 碳中和碳达峰专业咨询 | |
2 | zeroco2 (opens new window) | This site is no longer updated (since 2016/17) But there are still useful info here | |
3 | myclimate (opens new window) | myclimate is your partner for effective climate protection – both locally and globally | |
4 | Climate Change Connection (opens new window) | Connecting Manitobans to climate change facts and solutions | |
5 | 青年应对气候变化行动网络 (opens new window) | 致力于培养一批卓越的青年行动者,推动青年及公众为应对气候变化做出立即的行动和卓有成效的改变。 | |
6 | Carbon Capture Ready (opens new window) | Preparing the Policy, Industry, & Environmental Landscape | |
7 | International CCS Knowledge Centre (opens new window) | Our expertise is grounded in hands-on experience from major CCS projects across the globe. |
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上次更新: 2023/04/11, 12:15:12